Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Somewhere in middle America...

I know it has been an excessive amount of time sine I last posted something on here.  I keep meaning too update this page, but I always seem to get distracted.

In a quick recap, we have been quite busy since my last post.  In July, we moved to Omaha, NE for a one year stint.  It has been good so far and we have found that the people in the mid-west are extremely friendly.  Kathryn is doing a one year fellowship and I am working from home (same job from Houston, just a different setting).

Luke has been busy too.  He had been the recipient of way too many ear infections and as a result got tubes put into his ears to help with the drainage.  We were told that the problem would go away with a slight possibility of requiring a second set of tubes in a year or so.

Well, three weeks after the tubes were put in, Luke got another ear infection.  So, that has been lots of fun.  Anyhow, we are almost done with this round of antibiotics and we hope that we won't be needing anymore in the near future.

Here are a few photos taken recently.

Luke is already fitting in here...

Trying on our Halloween costume.

Having fun at the zoo!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! So cute. I dreamed about you guys last night. We were all on a flight together and it was so fun to try to entertain Luke during it! It was a long one....maybe Australia!?? Wouldn't that be fun?! Maybe someday.
